Frequently Asked Questions

How do I contact you?

For help with the web site, please contact Jeffrey Phillips.

For questions about the content, please contact Michael E. Webber or Yael Glazer.

For information regarding bulk orders, please contact Michael E. Webber.

How is Energy 101 different from a textbook or an app?

Energy 101’s digital nature invites rapid and continual updating and evolution to maintain its timeliness and relevance despite changing market conditions. The traditional editing and publishing cycle means energy data in printed books is between 2 and 3 years old, rendering those books out-of-date as soon as they are published.

Since its launch in August 2014, Energy 101 has been updated with new data twice per year, new chapters on energy policy, and a new format to make it compatible with iPhones, tablets, and computers. Future chapters will be added on energy storage, the midstream sector, energy security, and energy geography.

Is there a New User Guide for the the web site?

You can view and download the Energy 101 New User Guide here.

Who made Energy 101?

Energy 101 came to life from an award-winning semester-long class offered at UT Austin titled “Energy Technology & Policy.” The class has been offered since 2007 to a mix of engineering, business, policy, and geosciences students. In 2013, a team including DISCO Learning Media’s founding members converted the class from a traditional direct-instruction format to a massive open online course (MOOC) through UT’s partnership with online course provider edX. More than 44,000 students from around the world enrolled, and nearly 5,000 of those finished the 10-week course, both of which are records for energy MOOCs. From February to August 2014, the DISCO team, still working through UT, converted the online course into a full-length, interactive reference that combined the multimedia and interactive components of the MOOC together with an original text. Website operators returned to the Webber Energy Group in June, 2020. You can read more about the author here.

Will I receive any credit or certificate for completing Energy 101?

Credit is not currently available for the completion of Energy 101. The material has been adapted for a NASBA-compliant self-study course, which has been deployed effectively within organizations that offer continuing education credit for course completion.

I only need to learn about one topic. Can I purchase a single section?

Section by section purchases may become available in the future. Join our mailing list using the form on this page to learn more about product development and new offerings.

The website says membership. Is there an annual renewal fee?

If you are purchasing Energy 101 for a university course or individual use, your “membership” or subscription period aligns with the period described on the product page. Purchasing on the website grants you full access for a desktop, laptop, or any browser-enabled device.

How often will Energy 101 be updated?

The energy sector is a rapidly-evolving sector. To keep Energy 101 up to date, new data from each year is added to charts and figures where appropriate/available.

I found a mistake or typo. How do I alert you?

We are constantly striving to make Energy 101 a better reference for our users. Please alert the Energy 101 support team about errors and omissions by using the form at the bottom of this page or sending an email to Thank you in advance for helping us improve this living resource.

How can I change my password?

You can change your password by clicking the “My Account” link in the menu.

If you have lost your password, use the “Lost Password” link on the login screen. This will send an email to your registered email address with a unique token that can be used to reset your password.

My issue is not listed here or has not been resolved.

We value your satisfaction and want you to enjoy Energy 101. If you still have questions, please contact us by using the form at the bottom of this page or sending an email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

I have a site license. How do use the group management features?

The group management page tutorial is located here.

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